Internal Marketing At Maat

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According to the customer satisfaction theory , consumer satisfaction can be affected by employee attitudes even if they wanted or needed to buy products. Companies have found that in order to maintain competitive advantage they have to create duplicate relationship between their employees and customers . If the company wants to provide an extraordinary customer relation ship, they need to train their employee to provide that experience. As a result inward branding, marketing to these internal customers, is a vital aspect to the competitive advantage of a company. Internal marketing views employees as internal customers who play a vital role in fulfilling customer satisfactions . MAAT has a unique organizational culture that emphasizes productivity, creativity and teamwork. In order to promote this culture human capital professionals spearhead internal marketing campaigns. In MAAT, human capital management strategy aligned with business strategy, therefore MAAT takes extra steps to ensure all employees understand the company mission and visions through performing formal and informal events. Informal events and social ties are necessary to facilitate knowledge sharing and creativity. In order to achieve these MAAT performed an event in which its employee played paintball match!