Cultural diversity makes an impact in Iran

By in Marketing

Why cultural diversity in Iran must be considered for advertising ?
Sanction made Iran to suffer lots of difficulties but now this economic isolation ends and Iran opens its doors to all the industries and reconnecting to the global economy, this situation makes Iran a great market to trade for all businesses that seek to expand their activities and willing to have the greatest profits through new business opportunities specially in Iran.

Advertisement is one aspect of mass communication and influenced by culture as much as the programming or stories that are enveloped within. The problem associated with communicating people in diverse cultures, presents one of the greatest challenges in advertising. Communication is more difficult because cultural factors largely determine the way various phenomena are perceived.

Meanwhile it should be considered that you have only a few seconds to absorb the advertising message, but you’re swayed in ways you hadn’t anticipated. Experiments found that culture-based differences show up when information is processed in a cursory and spontaneous manner. So when you passed that roadside billboard, you were likely to be influenced by advertisement that appealed to your particular culture.

General cultural knowledge includes implicit theories about the world we live in that are largely shared by the members of our society. But in addition to this shared set of ideas, we also have personal knowledge that can conflict with accepted, culturally derived practices. For example, a boy growing up in Iran may generally accept the importance of his relationships with others, and therefore seeks to keep harmony with family members much more than an American boy who wants to leave his parent’s after 18. This is a very simple example of cultural differences, these kinds of data are available in any cultural-diversity related books, but culture is something much more complicated than just reading a book or searching statistics on internet! The most Successful advertisement in a country cannot be simply transferred or translated into another country’s merchandise without understanding the peculiarities of that country. It needs to be digging deeper through market research in any country and also there should be some anthropologist to analyze what people of another lands would think or react to any new product or services. These efforts cost a lot and waste lots of time for any brands that aim to enter any new market, while one of the key factors of being successful is to be pioneer in an commerce and find the blue oceans first.

For marketers knowing all aspects of a market culture, could mean gaining more confidence that new products and marketing message will be accepted and understood in a whole new market. So Maat full service agency as the best advertising agency in Iran, by the means of market research, explores the relationship between cultural dimensions and particular characteristic of the most effective advertising in Iran and provides the best consultants in the body of the best and the most effective campaigns for all the international companies that aim to run their businesses in Iran.
Cultural misunderstanding can raise havoc on the best business plans. Even though it is basic communication tool of advertising promotion in foreign lands, advertisers often fail to develop even a basic understanding of foreign languages. Business term in English and Persian mostly have different meaning. In some culture, messages are concealed in words and words carry most of the information in themselves. Language is one of the major barriers of effective business communications through advertising ideas. The problem involves different languages of various countries or dialects within one country. Everyday words have different meanings in different cultures. Even pronunciation may cause problems. A good advertising agency must achieve expert mass communication that is gained by a thorough understanding of the language for making the message culture specific. The best advertising copywriters should be concerned less with obvious differences between languages and more with idiomatic meanings expressed in the target country.

From these perspectives, Maat advertising Agency knows that, mass media and culture are closely related and are not easily separated: culture provides mass media with sources for content, all contents must be derived from culture, including entertainment, news and advertisement, otherwise it could not be understood. Maat holding with the best market researchers, content managers and years of experience in running different campaigns in Iran’s market, try to solve all the anticipated problems that any business might be faced with, while entering to the uncertain market of Iran.

What people see in advertisements is different in countries and advertising agencies such as Maat MARCOM agency are aware of this fact. Advertising in Iran promotes more than mere products in our popular culture. Images used in advertising are often idolized; they eventually set the standard which we in turn feel and try to live up to. Advertisement in Iran generally serves to show us what the ideal image is and further tell us how to obtain it. Advertisers essentially have the power to promote positive or negative images easily in Iran and in turn can also affect our culture, so it should be considered carefully.

Also different countries have different governmental laws and public general admission in confronting any ads, that need to be accepted and followed. Therefor, while creating advertisements, it is very important to know the laws that are imposed in the particular country, it is very important for the advertiser to identify this and act accordingly. Maat marketing and advertising agency efforts is to prepare all needed material and provide the best platform for any brands in Iran and show the best way with the most possible chance of success for all the international companies.